Frequently Asked Questions

People who are searching for a church home often have many questions about what churches believe and practice. They often feel awkward just walking in the door of an unfamiliar church. We understand this. So here are answers to questions that people commonly ask about Westside.

Where can I park?

We have two parking lots. One is directly in front of the church and a larger one is across the intersection of 9th and Walnut. Street parking is also available. There are special reserved spots for seniors and the disabled in the lot in front of the building.

What is the time of your Sunday morning service?

Our Sunday morning Worship service begins at 10:30 and lasts about 75 minutes. The service is devoted to worshipping the Lord and listening to teaching from his Word, the Bible. Sunday School for children age 4 through 6th grade is also offered during this time. Kids can be dropped off in Sunday School as early as 10:15. A nursery and Spanish translation are provided for the Sunday Worship service.

Where do I go when I arrive?

You will be greeted when you enter the front door. We'll be glad to answer your questions and help you find your way around. Then come enjoy a free cup of coffee in the Fireside Room with other people who call Westside home. You'll receive a warm welcome!

What is the Lord's Supper that you include in the Sunday Worship service?

During this service, we remember and worship Christ by observing the Lord's Supper (also referred to as "the Breaking of Bread" or "Communion"). Before going to the Cross to die for our sins, Jesus gathered his closest followers together and asked them to "Do this in remembrance of Me" (Luke 22:191 Corinthians 11:24-25). He explained that the bread represents his body and the cup his blood "poured out for the forgiveness of sins" (Matthew 26:26-28). Because the act of remembering Christ is so important to Christ, it is a priority for us  and is why we remember and worship him each week. If you have trusted Christ as your Savior, we welcome you to partake of the bread and the cup. We provide pre-filled communion cups on the table near the entrance of the auditorium. The wafer is gluten-free. The juice is grape juice. If you are not a believer in Christ yet, we request that you do not partake. It is our hope that one day you will be able to fully enter into this part of the service.

What should I wear?

You'll see people dressed in a wide variety of styles—from casual to more dressy. You're welcome to wear whatever makes you comfortable.

Will I be required to do anything?

We will not ask you to do anything that would embarrass you or compromise your conscience. You can participate at your own comfort level. An invitation to join in the Lord's Supper is given to all who have personally put their faith in Christ. If you have trusted Christ as your Savior, we welcome you to partake of the bread and the cup. If you are not a believer yet, we request that you do not partake. It is our hope that one day you will be able to fully enter into this part of the service.

What does Westside have for my family?

We highly value the family and believe it is God-ordained and one of the most important building blocks of our society. For this reason, we offer teaching and worship activities for all ages. During the 10:30 AM Sunday Worship service, a safe and well-equipped nursery for infants and toddlers up through age 3 and Sunday School for children age 4 through 6th grade are offered. Kids can be dropped off in Sunday School as early as 10:15 for Kids Connect. Our youth ministries for junior high and high school youth meet Sunday evenings 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM during the school year.

What kind of music do you use in the Sunday service?

We use a great variety of engaging, uplifting, Christ-centered music and a variety of instrumentation. Above all, we want our music to honor Christ and to lead us to worship and follow Him.

Do you offer small group Bible studies and fellowship times throughout the week?

Small home fellowship groups, called Life Groups, are one of the core ministries of Westside and provide unique opportunities for group Bible study, building close relationships and learning to minister to one another. Trained leaders direct the groups in Bible-centered discussion, sharing, prayer and planning for outreach to others. We put a very high priority on these Life Groups because they play such an important role in the personal growth of people in the Westside body. More information about our English Life Groups can be found here. A Spanish group ("Grupo Hispano de Vida") meets Friday evenings at 7:00 PM.

Do you offer services in Spanish?

Yes, Westside provides special ministries for Spanish speakers. Closed-circuit Spanish translation is available during the Sunday Worship service. If you would like to make use of this service, ask for earphones at the sound booth at the back of the auditorium. The group "Jesús es el Camino" meets Sundays at 3:00 pm. In addition, "Grupo Hispano de Vida," a Spanish language Life Group, meets at Westside each Friday evening at 7:00 PM. 

If you still have questions, please contact us. Or call us at 503-640-5151 and leave a message so one of our Elders (pastors) can return your call.