Life Groups

Why We're Here

Westside Bible Fellowship exists to make disciples of Jesus who in turn make disciples of Jesus. A disciple is someone who is following Jesus by being in relationship with Him and submitting to his authority, being changed by him through his Word the Bible, and being committed to his mission of making disciples of all nations. 

God Designed Us for Relationship

We place a lot of emphasis on relationships because God does. We see this throughout the entire Bible - Genesis to Revelation. In Genesis, we see that God created people to have a perfect relationship with him and with one another in the Garden. However, when they sinned, their relationships with God and with one another were severely damaged. But Christ came to this earth and died as a sacrifice for sin so that these relationships could be restored. This is why the New Testament exhorts Christians to love and live in harmony with one another. They can now do it through the transformational power of Christ in them. And this is why in the Book of Revelation we see people once again having perfect relationships with God and with one another.

Why Life Groups Are So Important

We place a high priority on learning to live in relationship with one another by gathering together in small groups. This is the model and method Jesus gave us as he himself primarily spent time with a small group of his disciples.

Life Groups normally meet weekly and are a great place to engage in relationships that help us become more like Jesus. They provide excellent opportunities to be encouraged and stretched. As we meet together, we grow as disciples who learn to disciple others.

Life Groups are safe and caring. These guidelines help us achieve this. They help with the flow and pace of the discussions, help us value one another, and help us be more comfortable sharing deep and meaningful things.

Frequently Asked Questions about Life Groups

How are Life Groups different from Bible studies?

Bible studies tend to be more cerebral in nature and focus more on gaining a head knowledge of the Bible. Knowledge is important, and we need to understand what the Bible says. However, what we do with this  knowledge is also important. Disciples of Jesus Christ are called to act on this knowledge through faith, life application, and obedience. Life Groups are uniquely focused on going beyond just understanding what the Bible means and seeking to practically apply it to all of life - our Head, our Heart, and our Hands:

HEAD What is the Scripture text saying?
HEART What do I learn about God and my relationship with him?
HAND What can I do to obey Scripture and put it into practice?

I'm already in a Bible study. Why do I need a Life Group?

It's because relationships are so important. God is relational in nature, and he created each one of us to have a close relationship with himself and with one another. Relationship-building happens best in Bible-centered small groups where there's an intentional emphasis on a heart relationship with God and with others and where we can encourage one another to grow as disciples of Jesus.

How often do Life Groups meet?

In order to foster the types of relationships people long to develop, Westside Life Groups usually meet weekly.

Is childcare available?

Some groups offer childcare. Talk to the Life Group leader about your specific needs.

What do I need to bring?

Come just as you are, and bring a Bible if you have one. We can provide a Bible if you don't have one.

Is there a place for singles in Life Groups?

Singles are welcome to attend a Life Group that has married couples and single people. Depending on your preference and comfort level, the choice is yours. You also have the option to attend a men’s-only or women’s-only group.

What can I expect?

You can expect a friendly, welcoming, safe atmosphere and a group of ordinary people who are seeking to grow in their relationship with God and with one another.

What will be expected of me?

You'll get out of a Life Group what you put in to it. You can start simply by attending, seeking to be as authentic as possible, and contributing when you feel comfortable. See the guidelines that we follow that help with the flow and pace of the discussions, help us value one another, and help people become more comfortable sharing in meaningful ways.

What if I join a group, but it’s not a good fit for me?

No problem! Our Life Group leadership will help you find the group that best meets your needs.

Does a person have to be a part of Westside or even a Christian to be in a Life Group?

Non-church members and non-Christians are also welcome to visit or join any of our Life Groups.