By Dick Papworth
God has called every Christian to make it a priority to know Him and His Word. He has also called every Christian to make it a priority to pass on what they have learned to others.
In Hebrews 5, the writer exhorts Christian believers to grow in maturity and to pass on what they have learned to others by teaching them.
“ . . . by this time you ought to be teachers . . .” - Hebrews 5:12
In Titus 2, the Apostle Paul tells older women and to teach and train younger women.
“They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.” - Titus 2:3-5
In 2 Timothy 2, the Apostle Paul writes to Timothy, who was a young man, and encourages him to be strengthened by the grace that's in Christ Jesus and to use that strength to teach others what he had learned so they, in turn, will teach still more.
“You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” - 2 Timothy 2:1-2
I often look back on my life and remember the older Christians who took the time to teach me, encourage me, and in other ways invest their lives in me, especially when I was a teenager and in my 20’s.
I grew up in the church and often heard the Word of God taught. Some of it stuck, but probably a lot of it didn't. But I’m so grateful for what did stick and how God used different people in my life to teach me and show me how to live as a disciple of Jesus.
One man taught me to not just make Bible study an intellectual head trip but to also apply the Bible to life. After he would teach something from the Bible, he would often ask, “Now, so what?” In other words, “How should we live in light of this teaching?” It was an important question which I never forgot and which has influenced my own teaching..
Others would come up to me after a church service and offer words of encouragement. Another brother taught me how to respond when I became the target of criticism. Others taught me how to pray and ask God for big things that were way beyond my ability to provide myself. There were many other examples of people who loved and cared for me and who greatly influenced my life. They were a great help and blessing to me! They invested time with me and taught and trained me.
I distinctly remember one time when I was reviewing how God had used people to positively influence my spiritual life. The Holy Spirit spoke to me through the above Scriptures and said, “You've been blessed in so many ways by these people. Now, you go and do the same thing with others.” I needed this challenge because I was called to be both a learner and a teacher of others.
I see a lot of spiritual maturity in the lives of people at Westside. Some have walked with God for many years and have learned a lot. Some are newer Christians and have only learned a little. And there are many in between.
No matter what stage of the Christian life you're in and whatever age you might be, my encouragement is for you to pass on what you have learned to others. Come alongside others to teach them God's Word. Teach them wisdom. Teach them how to live life. Teach them from both your failures and victories. Then teach them how to teach others.
Older women can come alongside younger women and teach them some of the very things that are mentioned in Titus 2. Men can come alongside younger men to pour their lives into them and teach them the Scriptures.
Whatever stage of the Christian walk you may be in right now, certainly keep on learning. But also invest your life in others. Teach them what you learned and teach them to teach others.
Don’t hoard what you've learned. Pass it on!
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