Westside's Mission of Compassion


We have much to celebrate at Westside! God is working in so many encouraging ways!

Recently, a kickoff meeting was held for the Turkey mission trip outreach. The plan is for the team to travel to Antakya, Turkey in June to build tiny houses for victims of the earthquake that destroyed much of the city two years ago. Many of the Turkish people are still living in tents in the middle of the harsh winter. They need our help! This will be a wonderful opportunity for us to show them the love of Christ.

Watch this video, narrated by Jerry Mattix, for an overview of what the team will be doing. Nathan Meeker did an excellent job of explaining the details of the trip. Here are the slides he showed. Please contact Nathan if you’re interested in being on the team, praying, giving, or helping in other ways. This is a churchwide missions outreach.


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